Minutes of MPBA Fast Electric Section AGM 2021
Note: Due to Covid restrictions, this AGM was conducted outdoors in a less formal way than normal, hence the change of format. Normal service will be resumed next year hopefully.
Friday 2nd July
Chairman’s report
Peter started off by making the group aware that a new Secretary and possibly a new Treasurer would be needed, but said that the main position that is needed is a new Secretary.
He went on to say that Rob Foss, obviously over the last couple years, had a lot of changes in his life including having a couple of jobs, but that the latest job that he has been travelling all over the world and we’re lucky to see him.
Peter had been sent the secretaries report and explained that Rob had only got into the UK at four o’clock this morning from Chicago and had sent him an email and that we wouldn’t see him, possibly for quite a while, so we needed somebody to do that. He went on to say, that obviously as a section we can’t operate, unless we have a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Nationals Officer.
Peter asked Martin if he was prepared to stand as treasurer, Martin Harvey said yes.
All others positions are staying.
After discussions, It was agreed that only a secretary was required. Peter, thanked Martin Harvey and the others for standing again.
Secretaries Report
Peter read out a letter from Rob Foss.
Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well, and miss you all.
I would like to start by apologising for my absence, as we speak, I am currently flying back from Chicago with work after being there for 2 months.
Well, what can I report about this year, quite simply not a lot? It has been a testing a trying time for us all with the pandemic, but hopefully that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and we can all return to something that is normal.
As far as Fast electric model boat racing as you are all well aware we haven’t been racing, but is good to see that racing across the world is returning. Is good to see this year’s national event is going ahead, an event that I loved and hold close to me.
Since the world Championships in Italy, I have been in somewhat of a journey with a big change in my life after the world championships, plus increase in work and change in work. Plus, the introduction of rules within Naviga that have been making me consider to stay in the hobby, mini hydro was a step too far.
As we are all well aware now with the demise of racing in the south, our backs are against the wall in terms of a hobby in which we love, I loved, and the people that I raced with being lost. It all comes down now to Bridlington model boat club to hold this hobby up and go racing. It’s a simple fact for myself and others that it is a long way to travel for us all to go racing, all be it at the best venue in the UK and great people.
With that said I think in 2022 together with Bridlington Model Boat Club we could make the journey worthwhile. We should increase the competitions and race events and do what we should have done, an international event and British national. Its certainly something that would keep me interested in the hobby, certainly to go racing.
I’m sure its something you will all discuss, and hope you will and we can push forward.
I’m going to continue to develop hulls in hydro for the remainder of this year just cannot put a time on when that will come, and unfortunately, I will be stepping down as club secretary, but its events like the nationals which lit the fire inside of me to do Fast Electrics and that still burns, all be it not as big just now.
I hope you all have a fantastic event, and I do hope to be back next year to participate fingers crossed. I can only apologise I am not there in person to tell you all myself. Have a good meeting everyone and we will speak soon.
Drive fast turn right !!!!
Robert Foss Fast Electric Club Secretary.
Treasurer’s Report.
We’ve missed so many AGMs going back to 2018-19, where we had an annual income of £1,060.00 and expenses of £1068.53 as of the end of September, the income for that year included the annual grant of £470 which I had paid in to the bank account. Obviously last year where we didn’t hold an event the income was £470.41 with a debit of £163.06. Again, the annual grant of £421 was paid out to the section bank account. So far for the current year the income is £456 and we’ve spent £547.98 with a closing balance of £734.79. Overall for the last three years money in is £1,986.41, money out £1,779.57, so we have gained over the last few years. There was no grant paid out this year.
The question was asked if we had had the opportunity to check with the BMBS to see whether they’re prepared to……. Peter interjected and confirmed that he had that under control he had had a word with one of the committee that day and they were looking in to it for him. and that we would leave it at that for now.
Ian Williams informed the meeting that they had been to Liverpool (St Helens) as there was a Lake there, facilities were very good and the Lake is huge. He had received an email the previous night from one of the main guys who said that they’re quite happy for us to be there, in fact they want us there, but it would have to be some time in September, but he hadn’t had time to look at dates. He said the only problem this year is the cost and that the charge is normally £450 for the day, but was thinking that this year as starter maybe £50 or £100 – £75 is about what we pay normally. Further action would be to look at dates and to see if anybody wants to. It was mentioned that a demonstration would be done before the start.
Rob Physick explained further and general conversation took place about the location is just off the A580 between the M6 and Liverpool.
Getting extra revenue was mentioned ie. exhibitions days (and nearer travelling distance). It was suggested to go online and look up LPRC or Liverpool Power Racing Club to look at venues.
General conversation took place about other venues.
Peter asked how many people wanted to go to the saws event – 6 people in attendance were interested and maybe others not in attendance.
More conversation took place about a venue
Peter asked that Martin be kept updated so information can be posted on the web.
Any Other Business
George Macdonald – Northern Amp Draggers confirmed that we had two gentlemen, Rob Scott and Chris Pheasey who maybe racing, and another guy coming over that night.
Ian Willian asked if he could speak. As the Editor of Prop wash magazine, he asked the group for their support in sending items to him as he currently had nothing to submit. He asked the group for anything they had to be in within a week.
Peter – wanted to propose that you can use which ever batteries we had used in the past. To bring in automatically whatever Naviga does. we allow, however, on the proviso that whatever rules we’ve run in past (ie. if people want to buy up waited sells at 280 grammes still or use packs that they’ve because they have lots of them, or they’ve got overweight 5000s) that we don’t knock it off after two years. Peter went on to say that some people have got ie.15/20 packs and some people, for example…Lee Heath and Paul Heath have got such a lot of batteries of the 5050’s or 5400’s. However, he just didn’t want to put anybody off racing and thought it was the best way to run and the cheapest way to run. He re-iterated that if someone wanted to turn up and weighted cells or with overweight 5’000s provided as it is on the web.
The question was asked “Is there a demand for it”. The answer was “Yes”.
The point was then made regarding Lee & Paul in that despite issues in the past with limiters had asked for some recently and seemingly they were not bothered, but the group decided that that was not the case for everyone. More discussion took place on the subject and Peter asked if a vote could be made.
Peter proposed it and David Harvey 2nd it. 14 people voted “For” and 1 “Abstention”. “For” vote carried.
Before the meeting came to an end. Peter he asked if anybody was interested in doing the Secretary’s job? He explained that all that was required was to take minutes at the AGM and deal with a bit of paperwork throughout the year. Ideally you would also go to the meeting at Bedford, but if you are the Secretary you get a free membership and you can claim your fuel back to go.
Peter said he was happy to attend the meetings if someone only wanted to take on the role of Secretary.
End of Meeting
Notes taken by Peter Barrow