Minutes of MPBA Fast Electric Section AGM 2013
Friday 21st June
1. Meeting opened at 7:30pm
2. Members present:
Keith Hickman, Paul Heaton, David Harvey, Chris Osman, George Roberts, Ian Phillips, Paul Upton-Taylor, Martin Harvey, John Foster, Peter Barrow, John Croyden, Ian Rees, Stephen Booth, Luke Burton, Stephe Hart, Roger Graves, Ian Williams.
3. Apologies for Absence
George MacDonald, Will Hickman, Torran Hayward, Allan Shillitto, James Bond, Aran Bond, Paul Heath.
4. Minutes of 2012 AGM
A copy of the minutes of the 2012 agm had been left in the club house all day and had also been on the FES website all year. There being no changes the minutes were put forward for acceptance. The minutes were accepted on a unanimous show of hands.
5. Chairman’s Report
Chris said that it had been a fairly quiet year for him except for the intense activity of organising the Worlds, for which he thanked Paul Heaton and Martin Harvey and all others that contributed to our entry. There was nothing extra to add to his report.
6. Treasurers Report
A balance sheet as such is not available as there is still some money outstanding for entry fees and for Worlds entry fees. The annual MPBA grant should be about the same as last year, dependent on section membership, and should therefore be about £388. This money will go straight into the central account held by the MPBA. The section did have to borrow £500 from the central fund to finance the up front entry fees for the Worlds. This money had not been requested to be returned. Despite a lower entry to this year’s Nationals it was expected that there would be a surplus of around £100.
7. Secretary’s Report
The section put a proposal to the MPBA that there should be a maximum voltage of 60v dc. for electric powered boats. After some discussion this proposal was accepted and has now been put in the MPBA rule book. This rule was more from a safety point of view, there being a 35cc maximum for i/c boats already in place.
There will be two MPBA committee positions becoming vacant at the end of the year, namely chairman and treasurer. All sections have been asked to notify their membership to see if anyone would like to be proposed for these positions.
The Non-competitive section has been dropped.
8. SAWS Officer
David explained that the last records day was good with the weather staying fine until late afternoon. The venue was Branston Water Park and there were 10 records either set or broken. Unfortunately the water is now no longer available to us due to a long term parking problem. Other waters are being looked for, preferably in the Midlands. Several places had been suggested but they were either too open or too far. An advert had been placed in Propwash and there had been one reply from this. The King Lear lake was a possibility but again there is no close parking and no rescue boat, although the latter could be got round. Thanks had been given to Peter Dimberline and his other club member for their assistance in running the event.
9. International Officer
All entries fees for the Worlds had been received except for the Lithuanians and these were expected tomorrow. One of these has had to pull out due to family commitments and was looking for a refund. There will be over 800 boats this year.
10. Area Reps
There was nothing to report from the Southeast.
In the absence of Mark Shipman, Chris Osman reported that SWAMBC was struggling with lack of suitable water and the distance to travel to them. Consequently entries have been quite reduced this year. Waters had been lost due to environmental reasons and political reasons. Only three waters were now available.
There was nothing to report from the North.
11. Election of Officers
Chris Osman explained that due to other commitments he was not able to stand again for the next term. Chris proposed that Peter Barrow take over. Seconded by Paul Upton-Taylor.
Passed unanimously.
John Foster explained that he was prepared to stand for one more year only but only as treasurer, with nothing to do with scoring.
John Foster proposed by David Harvey, seconded by Keith Hickman.
Passed unanimously.
There being no other proposals Martin Harvey said that he would stand for another year.
Martin Harvey proposed by Keith Hickman, seconded by Peter Barrow.
Passed unanimously.
SAWS Officer
David Harvey proposed by Peter Barrow, seconded by Chris Osman.
Passed unanimously.
International Rep
Paul Heaton proposed by Ian Williams, seconded by Chris Osman
Passed unanimously.
Nationals Booking Officer
Ian Phillips proposed by John Foster, seconded by David Harvey.
Passed unanimously.
Northern Rep
Paul Heaton proposed by Chris Osman, seconded by Ian Williams.
Passed unanimously.
Southern Rep
Paul Upton- Taylor proposed by David Harvey, seconded by Stephe Hart.
Passed unanimously.
Chris Osman proposed by Keith Hickman, seconded by George Roberts.
Passed unanimously.
A discussion took place as to whether there was a requirement to have an elected Safety Officer. It was decided that as Bridlington had safety measures in place Rob Physick would be asked to carry out a risk assessment on the venue.
12. A.O.B.
12.1 M Course for Eco Expert
It was felt that the triangle course got in the way of the oval course, and Eco boats were now too fast for the triangle. The M course would be better and safer.
Proposed by Stephe Hart, seconded by Roger Graves
Passed – 15 for, 1 abstention
12.2 Trophies per Class
It was suggested that it was not cost effective to give 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes for classes where there were only three boats entered. Martin Harvey suggested that the Electra system be adopted whereby 1st prize was awarded where there were up to 4 boats per class entered, 1st and 2nd awarded for up to 5 boats entered, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize awarded where there were 6 or more boats entered.
Proposed by Luke Burton, seconded by Roger Graves.
Passed unanimously.
12.3 Team Clothing for Worlds
Stephe Hart suggested that a form of team uniform should be adopted so that the team looked smart. Any uniform should have the MPBA logo on it and possibly Team GB and to be part funded by the section. After further discussion it was decided to ask Paul Heath to sort out something for the shirt, and competitors to take black trousers.
Proposed by Stephe Hart, seconded by Ian Philips.
Passed unanimously.
12.4 Super Mono Cell Count
David Harvey felt that the current cell count of 6-8 for super mono was not right as this allowed a 6 cell mono 2 to run in the class. David felt that super mono should be 7-8 cells to keep a differential between the two classes. After some discussion around size of boat and battery capacity a proposal was made to keep 6-8 cells, but with a minimum boat length of 850mm and a battery weight with a minimum of 600 grams and a maximum of 1120 grams.
Proposed by Paul Heaton, seconded by Chris Osman.
Votes for – 12, votes against – 2, abstentions -1
Proposal passed on a majority.
12.5 Throttle Controls
The issue of spring return throttle levers was raised. There is an existing rule that states that the throttle control must either be sprung loaded to off, or where there is no spring return a neck harness has to be worn with the transmitter attached. A proposal was made that all throttles be fitted with a spring return.
Proposed by Stephe Hart, seconded by David Harvey.
Votes for – 4, votes against – 11
Proposal defeated
Meeting closed at 9.17pm