AGM 2017

Minutes of MPBA Fast Electric Section AGM 2017

Friday 7th July

1. Meeting opened at 7:30pm

2. Members present:

Liam Mallam, Rob Physick, Jason Tooley, Gemma Wilson, John Croyden, Barry Fatt, Keith Mallam, Martin Marriott, Paul Heaton, Paul Upton-Taylor, Christopher Hobbs, George Roberts, Ian Phillips, Lee Heath, David Harvey, Gary Westwood, Ian Williams, Roger Graves, Paul Heath, Peter Barrow, Robert Foss, Martin Harvey.

3. Apologies for Absence


4. Minutes of 2016 AGM

A copy of the minutes of the 2016 agm had been on the FES website all year. There being no changes the minutes were put forward for acceptance. Paul Upton-Taylor proposed they be accepted, Ian Phillips seconded the proposal. The minutes were accepted on a unanimous show of hands.

5. Chairman’s Report

Peter said numbers generally were reducing but that the number of entries for the Nationals was up on last year. There were more entries from the south. There would be 5 members going to the Worlds in Hungary in August. More to discuss later about energy limiters.

6. Secretary’s Report

Following the proposal put forward at the 2016 agm with regards to the change to the MPBA Articles of Association I discussed the issue with the members of Electra. The Electra membership supported the proposal and added their names to the list of signatories that were given at the section agm. The proposal was sent off to the MPBA secretary with the rider that if they did not consider it then the section had sufficient signatories to call an EGM. The proposal was not greeted very warmly. The fact that we were trying to change the Articles of Association did not immediately sink in. However after some further communications the MPBA Exec took legal advice. The outcome of this was that what we had proposed would not be legally feasible. The funds of the MPBA could only be given to a recognised body, and also the Fast Electric Section was part of the MPBA and not a separate entity. . After some further time had elapsed the exec came up with a counter proposal to divide any outstanding money equally between members existing at the point that the MPBA was dissolved. This proposal was to be put to the membership at the November 2016 Exec meeting.

At the November Exec meeting the issue of what to do if the MPBA was to be dissolved was brought up and it was agreed that the A of A would be changed to allow any outstanding funds to be divided amongst members. The only outstanding issue was what to do about the assets. It was decided to take legal advice on this. It would be necessary to get a complete list of assets held by sections and main body.

The proposal had come about because the MPBA positions of secretary and treasurer were vacant and there had been no offers to fill these positions. Shortly before the MPBA agm there were offers from people to fill these positions. At the agm the positions were formally voted on and accepted, thereby making the situation of dissolving the association irrelevant at least for the moment.

Also discussed at the exec meeting was the issue of reducing membership numbers. The treasurer accepted that the level of funds held was such that a reduction in annual membership fees was feasible and proposed to introduce a reduction for 2017.

7. Treasurers Report

Paul reported that after the Nationals expenses had been paid out there would be £500 in the section bank account. The level of grant for 2017 was not known.

8. SAWS Officer

David reported that the records day this year had to be held early in the year due to the owner of the lake at Dearnford having taken on an open water swimming contract which meant that we could not hold our event on the usual date. It was perfect water at the start of the meeting but as the weather forecast was wind for later in the day, to be fair to everyone I only allowed each competitor two attempts each time they came for a run. As predicted the wind came up later in the day and further runs were aborted and the meeting was closed.

There were 9 records broken and 1 new record set by junior James Hobbs with his one cell subsurface mono. Although it was a slow time it filled another spot on the records list that was vacant. I am assured that at the next meeting it will be a lot faster.

A new venue at the Rawdon MBC water near Leeds has been looked at by myself and some other members and it could be promising. The only problem is that there is a mobile mast on the hill behind the lake which did cut off one of our members radio, and on talking to the resident club members this does happen with some radios.

I am retiring as Records Officer so whoever takes over the post will need to have access to the water at 8am because it takes about 2 hours to set up the course and to get all the competitor’s forms filled in. Any later than this time and it would not be worth running the meeting.

The lake at Dearnford has had to change its name to Alderford Lake due to its neighbours trade marking the name Dearnford.

One last thing. At this meeting there were only 8 competitors running 18 boats, and seeing as the lake cost £120 to hire we made a loss of £66. Is it worth carrying on with this event because without a substantial increase in competitors and boats we are always going to make a loss.

Paul Upton-Taylor said that he wanted the SAWS to continue and was prepared to pay a proportion of the costs. Ian Williams said that it was his understanding that the MPBA grant was for running a SAWS event and a Nationals event

Chris Hobbs explained that the price for the Rawdon water was negotiable and that they were happy for us to go down there and do whatever we needed to do. We could have the event any Sunday that they were not running an event of their own and with prior notification. They were also happy for us to have more that one meeting a year.

Ian Williams said that he had been contacted about another water in Hull, and that he was going to visit it later.

It was felt the problem of the mobile mast may not be an issue as the boat control point would be between the mast and the boat.

9. International Officer

There would be 5 members going to the Worlds. The use of energy limiters would be discussed by Naviga M Section during the Worlds meeting.

10. Nationals Officer

Nothing to report. The 2018 Nationals would revert to the usual weekend which would be 29th June to 1st July.

11. PRO Officer

Nothing to report.

12. Area Reps

Northern Area

– As George McDonald was unwell Martin Marriott was called upon to give a report. Martin said that NADS was going well and he was encouraged that it was still a vibrant and enthusiastic club. Membership was doing well with numbers being maintained or doing better. We should all be thinking of the future, the average age of members being higher than we would like. That said we do have two or three junior members that are enthusiastic and doing well and holding their own against the senior members. We also have one lady member. Martin wished her success.

Southern Area

– Lee said that there was now only one southern club, that being Electra. There was a new member, Robert Foss, running hydro classes. Lee explained that Ostend Ospreys were getting no attendance so were not running any events. SWARM no longer existed.

Martin Marriott asked if there was any one reason for lack of interest. Paul Heath said that it was mainly cost with travel another reason. Maybe energy limiters would help to reduce the on-cost.

SouthWest Area

– As there was now no SWARM there was nothing to report.

13. Election of Officers

Peter Barrow asked if the current people holding the positions of Chairman, International Rep, Treasurer, PRO, and Area Reps where prepared to stand again for 2017-18. They all agreed.

Passed unanimously

Proposals for standing for the vacant positions were then sort.

SAWS Officer – Keith Mallam

Proposed by – Chris Hobbs

Seconded by – Gemma Wilson

Passed unanimously

Secretary – Paul Upton-Taylor

Proposed – Martin Harvey

Seconded by – David Harvey

Passed unanimously

Web Master – Martin Marriott

Proposed – Chris Hobbs

Seconded – Ian Williams

Passed unanimously

Nationals Officer – Jason Tooley

Proposed – Chris Hobbs

Seconded – Ian Williams

Passed unanimously

The Southwest Rep position to be suspended due to no activity from that area.

14. A.O.B.

a) The request made by the MPBA Exec that nominations for the positions on the Exec should be made at Section AGMs was raised. There were no offers from the floor to fill any of the positions. It was felt that it was not possible to nominate anyone from elsewhere as it was not known who would be prepared to stand.

b) The use of energy limiters for use in Naviga events was raised as mentioned in the International Officer’s report. The meeting was asked to consider how it would like the representative going to the meeting in Hungary to vote on this issue. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the virtues of these devices after which it was put to the vote.

Votes for – 15

Votes against – 3

Abstentions – 3

c) The use of energy limiters for use in the Nationals was raised. After further discussion a formal proposal to accept their use at the Nationals was put forward with the rider that energy limits be set to those used by NADS.

Proposed by – Paul Upton-Taylor

Seconded by – Chris Hobbs

Votes for – 15

Votes against – 3

Abstentions – 3

d) A proposal was put forward to increase the battery weight for mini classes in the SAWS event to 140 grams.

Proposed by – Paul Upton-Taylor

Seconded by – Chris Hobbs

Votes for – 19

Votes against – 1

Abstentions – 1

e) A proposal was put forward to include a Team Mini Mono in the Nationals starting in 2018.

Proposed by – Tom Watson

Seconded by – Gemma Wilson

Votes for – 20

Votes against – 1

Abstentions – 0

Peter Barrow reminded the meeting that during racing no alcoholic beverages were to be consumed. Breathalysers would be available for use on anyone suspected to be under the influence.

Meeting closed at 21:00