Minutes of MPBA Fast Electric Section AGM 2015
Friday 3rd July
1. Meeting opened at 7:00pm
2. Members present:
Martin Harvey, Peter Barrow, David Harvey, Jason Tooley, Keith Mallam, Paul Upton-Taylor, Steve Booth, Ian Williams, John Croyden, Paul Heaton, Roger Graves, George Roberts, Rob Physick, Martin Marriott, Ian Phillips, George McDonald, Barry Fatt, Lee Heath, Paul Heath
3. Apologies for Absence
Vaughan Miller Vaughan had sent in a letter and this was read out to the members present.
4. Minutes of 2014 AGM
A copy of the minutes of the 2014 agm had been on the FES website all year. There being no changes the minutes were put forward for acceptance. George McDonald proposed they be accepted, Paul Heath seconded the proposal. The minutes were accepted on a unanimous show of hands.
5. Chairman’s Report
Peter Barrow reported that it had been a quiet year, although there had been the issue of the treasurer. This had now been resolved and Paul Heath was now the treasurer for the section. Having no treasurer was probably the reason for the low entry numbers for the Nationals as it could not be advertised until we had a treasurer. Paul was currently in the process of sorting out the bank account. David Harvey thanked Paul for taking on the job.
6. Treasurers Report
Paul Heath said that he had little to say as he was trying to get things sorted with NatWest Bank, and hoped to have more to say at the next AGM.
7. Secretary’s Report
Martin Harvey said that there was not much to report. The MPBA has a new membership secretary, Bill Hornby from Hull, and there is now also a new MPBA treasurer, Norman Lara. The positions of General Secretary and National Press Officer for the MPBA would require filling at the AGM. It was felt that the profile of the MPBA needs to be raised. Martin said that so far no one had come forward for the General Secretary position, and without a secretary the MPBA could not continue.
8. SAWS Officer
David Harvey reported that at the October 2014 meeting there had been a lot of weed although there was little wind. Despite the weed problem there had been 7 new records set and 2 broken. Those attending suggested that because of the weed problem in October would it be possible to have the event earlier in the year. David said that he made arrangements for the next event to be in April 2015. On the day there was no weed but the prevailing south westerly wind had gone round to north west and was blowing straight down the lake. Despite this there were 2 new records set and 3 broken, albeit the new records were not fast but got a speed in the records. The 2016 event would be on 24th April.
9. International Officer
Paul Heaton reported that at the Worlds in Poland there would be a proposal to limit the length of boats in the classes but with no battery weight limits. Cell counts to be the same as currently existing. David Harvey asked if there was anything about the type of race start but Paul said that he thought that the start would remain the same. Peter Barrow said that if these proposals were voted in by the Naviga M section then someone should go to the presidium meeting in November to find out what was happening. There would be no members going to the Worlds in Poland. Lee Heath mentioned that Donatas Ceponis would be going but to represent Lithuania. Peter Barrow said he felt that this brought up the issue of someone representing one country one year and another country in another year.
10. Nationals Officer
Ian said that there was nothing to report other than it had been a difficult year. Ian said that he would like to get a date set for 2016. This to be sorted out under A.O.B.
11. Area Reps
Paul Heaton reported that in the North clubs were struggling for members although they were plodding along. George McDonald asked what could be done about it. Paul replied that if the kids don’t come along then what could you do. Barry Fatt exclaimed that he was doing his bit. This brought applause from the membership. Barry asked if his nephew would be allowed to race next year. David Harvey asked what classes he would likely enter and Barry said Mini Mono. This was given approval. Martin Marriott said that George had made a pertinent point about what could be done. It was mentioned that we need to settle on one forum site as there had been questions asked on the Alan Shillitto forum which went unanswered. There was no Southern Area rep but Paul Upton-Taylor said that he had heard that Electra would likely be struggling the next year as there would be vacant positions to be filled. With the low membership numbers it would be a struggle to fill these positions. Mark shipman was not present at the meeting so Gary Westwood was asked what was happening in the Southwest. Gary said that they were just about keeping going with about 15 members, which Peter Barrow said was about the same number as other areas. Ian Williams said that membership tended to be cyclical. Peter Barrow said that in his experience there tends to be a 3-4 year cycle. Peter felt that what we are not pushing is that in his opinion the sport had never been cheaper. Gary Westwood said that in the Southwest they had lost junior members due to parents no longer being prepared to travel the distances required to go to race meetings.
12. Election of Officers
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Nationals Officer, International Officer, SAWS Officer
Ian Williams proposed that the current people should continue in these positions. Martin Marriott seconded this. Passed unanimously.
Northern Rep
George McDonald was proposed by Rob Physick, seconded by David Harvey. Passed unanimously.
Southern Rep
Lee Heath proposed by Ian Phillips, seconded by Paul Upton-Taylor. Passed unanimously.
Mark Shipman to be asked if he was prepared to continue along with Gary Westwood. Proposed by Paul Upton-Taylor, seconded by David Harvey. Passed unanimously.
Public Relations Officer
This is a new post. Ian Williams was proposed by Steve Booth, seconded by George Roberts. Passed unanimously.
13. A.O.B.
Martin Harvey proposed that the class for Formula 1 be scrapped. This generated some discussion during which Peter Barrow suggested that if sufficient members wanted to propose a new class then this could be introduced for the Nationals. Motion to scrap Formula 1 was passed unanimously.
Following from the discussions above Paul Upton-Taylor suggested that a new class be introduced for called the Sprint class. Rules to be: Mini Hydro boats with maximum length of 450mm 2-3 cell lipo with no weight limit 6 laps with 10sec mill time First past the post Proposed by Paul Upton-Taylor, seconded by Barry Fatt Passed unanimously.
Removal of Supercat and Super Mono Classes from Nationals Proposed by Ian Williams, seconded by Paul Heaton Votes for: 9 Votes against: 4 Abstentions: 4 Passed on majority
Introduction of Cat Class This class was introduced in NADS to replace Supercat. Cat boats to run on 4s or 6s lipo batteries. 4s batteries to be limited to 6600mAh, and 6s batteries to be limited to 4500mAh. 6 minutes race time plus 10sec mill time. (see 14.6 below) Proposed by Paul Heaton, seconded by Lee Heath. Passed unanimously.
2016 Nationals Date Date set for 1-3 July
Mill Time
It was felt that the current mill time of 10 seconds is too long with the speed of current boats. 5 seconds was proposed for all classes except mini mono, mini hydro, and mini eco. (this includes the new Cat class). Proposed by Paul Heath, seconded by Lee Heath.
Votes for : 12
Votes against: 3
Abstentions: 2
Meeting closed at 8:15pm