AGM 2022
Minutes of MPBA Fast Electric Section AGM 2022
Friday 1st July – attendance list was passed around for signature
Chairman’s report
Peter started off by making the group aware that because of COVID the meeting would be as brief as possible.
Last years AGM minutes were agreed, proposed by Paul Heath, seconded by John Croydon.
Peter reported that NADS was still running and indeed membership was increasing a couple of new members for next year. Ian Williams commented that the MPBA is picking up new members right across all sections.
Peter wanted to discuss revamping the current trophies later in the meeting
it was a shame we could not get to Rumania for the European championships as it would be difficult
Secretaries Report
Nothing to report from Paul Heath
Treasurer’s Report.
Martin Harvey passed around copies of the sections accounts. He explained what the accounts covered and how the figures were made up. This included transponder system hire, website , lap counting hire and lake hire fees and Central fund grant is £2, 528.22p. SAWS 2022 event income and expenses explained. Nationals entry fees and transponder hire explained. £504 for nationals income. Annual MPBA grant 21/22 gives us £2949.22p in central funds.
Proposed by Ian Williams, seconded by Paul Heaton
No news as we are waiting for a new world championships to come from NAVIGA Russia and Belarus banned currently.
Some discussion of NAVIGA politics took place, including rumours that some countries have not paid their fees to NAVIGA because of different country reporting and meeting dates.
Rob Foss relayed that the Germans are keen to invite UK racers to events at Vulcan Park in Germany. A brief discussion about limiters for all events in Europe took place
Rob Foss asked when the 2023 Worlds may be? It could be end of July, first week in August.
SAWS report – Ian Williams
The existing SAWS lake to be confirmed, first or second weekend in September. To be confirmed shortly.
Everything is on track with registrations for Nationals. As it is busy, please try and keep on schedule. Peter asked that everyone helps, irrelevant of number of classes you are entered into.
Martin Harvey asked that we changed the cut off entries for the nationals to help bring in line paper statements produced by nat west bank. The question of why no online banking was raised and answered due to our restrictions on cheque payments having to be 2 officers. This is an MPBA restriction. So by changing the cut off date for payment to be received to 1st June every year.
PRO Officer – Ian Williams
The new book about Fast electric racing is half done, and needs to be finished by end of October. There are a number of new Facebook sites which Ian will join to try and promote the section.
Paul Heaton said a number of Bridlington rock crawler and buggy racers may be an audience to address.
No clubs exist in the South any longer after ELECTRA and Ostend Ospreys finished, so no racing is taking place. The Althorne Lake is still available
NORTHERN AREA REP – George McDonald – not present so no report back
Peter Barrow asked if current officers are willing to stand again.
Paul Heath – Secretary said yes
Lee Heath- Southern area Rep – said yes
Paul Heaton International Rep – said yes
Nats officer and Webmaster – Martin Marriott – said yes
Martin Harvey – Treasurer – said no, Peter Barrow said we had to have a treasurer or the section would fold. A brief discussion took place , Chris Pheasey was asked if he would do it. He said he had 2 years of MPBA membership and would take the role.
Proposed by Paul Heath
Seconded by Paul Heaton
SAWS Officer – ask Keith Mallum has stopped racing, Ian Williams said he would take the role over.
Proposed by Dave Harvey
Seconded by Lee Heath
Any Other Business
Peter Barrow asked we review Trophies for the nationals. New trophies to be purchased. Paul Heath to organise replacements, to include retaining the existing trophy winner block and add a new blank block to the new trophy base. Some discussion over cost for trophies was had and a budget of £100 per trophy was agreed.
Proposed by Rob Foss
Seconded by Ian Williams
Peter asked about batteries to be used for events in the future. It was agreed the status quo as minuted in the 2021 AGM would continue
Discussions about international events took place. Paul and Lee Heath will start to use limiters when they can race again in Europe.
End of Meeting
Notes taken by Paul Heath. Electronically via smart phone