Announcing the 2024 UK Saws
For the uninitiated this is a straight line speed event to set UK speed records for Fast Electric RC model boats
To be held on Sunday the 29th of September at Carr Mill Dam near St Helens.
Carr Mill Dam is the home of the Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club.
This is a full-size boat venue and is ideal for RC boat record breaking.
The event runs from 10am to 4pm and fees are £6 per class entered.
The address for the venue is:
Carr Mill Dam, Garswood Old Road,
St Helens,
I need to know how many people would like to attend, so will you please let me know at if you want to attend.
I can email you back with all the current records and classes.
I know that there are many more people out there with fast boats who never race them, but this event is easy, all you need to do is run the boat in a straight line for 110 yards.
So even if you just want to know how fast your boat is please come along and have fun.
- You need to be a member of the MPBA to enter
- You will need to bring your membership card
- You need to display your MPBA number on the boat
- This should be in black lettering 20mm high on a white background.
(This is at our Insurers insistence)
Hope to see you there.