Buoy location at Brid lake (take 2)

MPBA-FES Forums Members discussions Buoy location at Brid lake (take 2)

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  • #1448

    I’m sure you all thought that this issue had been decided (me too). However, now that the weather at last seems to be improving, I visited the Carnaby lake yesterday in order to check the measurements of the current bankside marks which were in some doubt.

    I discovered that the dimensions I had, and had put on the forum as option 4, were in fact nothing like reality. The original drawing indicated the bank clearance was 9mts and may well have caused some members to vote for the 10mt bank clearance option (2) which was the winner.

    In fact the bank clearance was about 11.5 mts on the left side and about 13.5 on the right.

    Given that this error was so large I believe that this may well have adversely affected the votes and therefore I have decided to re-open the voting to just check what you think.

    Having had a careful look at the gap, I am not sure that 10mts is sufficient for safety. I have never heard any complaints about the gap on the left and I have always thought that the gap on the right was unnecessarily large. I have therefore included a layout that has been proposed by George McDonald and Paul Heaton (I have slightly modified it to centralise it) which I believe gives an adequate gap.

    Therefore please have a look at the forum where I have posted the diagrams for the new options which I call upon you to vote for.

    Option 1 – The updated (and now correct) layout which is as per the current bank side marks. This has a circuit length of 157mts (Naviga length = 167mts)

    Option 2 – The previous winner which has a 10mt bank clearance. This has a circuit length of 167mts (i.e. Naviga length)

    Option 3 – The new option which gives a 12mts bank clearance. This has a circuit length of 160mts (Naviga length = 167mts)

    In view of the short timescale I will close the voting this Friday (20th) at 23:59

    I would also like to take this opportunity to call for additional volunteers to implement the decided layout as George is not firing on all cylinders at the moment. It will probably need two people on the bank(to sight from both directions), two in the water(to move the weights) and one in the boat.

    Sorry for confusion.

    Martin Harvey

    Option 1 for me

    Pete Barrow

    Option 3

    John Croyden

    Option3 for me

    George McDonald

    george mcdonald option 3

    George McDonald

    paul heaton option 3

    Luke Burton

    Option 3 for me please.
    I’ll be available to help set the buoys up.

    Chris Hobbs

    Although I’d prefer a full length layout, in the interest of safer racing I’ll also go along with option 3.

    And me & Jimmy will be available to help (he’s now a about two foot taller than when you guys last saw him)

    Rob Physick

    Option 3 for me please.


    The voting on the buoy locations is now closed.
    The results are as follows:-
    Option 1 – 157mt length Current bank marks
        Votes (2) – Martin Harvey, David Harvey
    Option 2 – 167mt length (Naviga), semi-circular ends, 10mt bank clearance.
        Votes (0) – None
    Option 3 – 160mt length, flattened ends, 12mt bank clearance.
        Votes (7) – Pete Barrow, Paul Heaton, Luke Burton, George McDonald, John Croyden, Chris Hobbs, Rob Physick

    Therefore the option 3 course will be laid out as soon as possible under the circumstances.

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